60 minute Power Vinyasa Flow with Amanda. Begin class with deep breathing and bring your attention to the eyes. Listen...
19OctoberOctober 19, 2021
5 Yoga Poses For The Lower Back
Lower back pain is one of the most common health issues that Americans face today. This is mostly a result...
18OctoberJanuary 3, 2022
Breathwork & Meditation | Air Element
60 minute breathwork and meditation with Kathleen. Breathwork, or pranayama, are highly beneficial breathing exercises. Kathleen teaches a wide variety...
15OctoberOctober 13, 2021
5 Tips for Starting a Meditation Practice at Home
There are many benefits to starting a meditation practice. For one, it helps release stress and calm the mind. Especially...
11OctoberOctober 11, 2021
5 Yoga Poses For Weight Loss
Can yoga really help you lose weight? We think that it can. There are many reasons why yoga can help...
11OctoberOctober 11, 2021
Core, Inversions and Backbends
60 minute ashtanga vinyasa flow online with Michelle. When faced with a difficult situation, the mind will often tell you...
by Michelle Hackettin Intermediate, Advanced, Ashtanga Flow, 60 min, Vinyasa, Videos, yoga, Yoga VideosTags vinyasa, inversions, backbends, core, ashtanga2
4OctoberOctober 7, 2021
Free Your Shoulders
75 minute vinyasa flow online with Amanda. The shoulders are one of the most moveable joints in the entire body...
by Amanda McCarrollin Intermediate, Vinyasa, 75 min, Videos, Buddhi Flow, yoga, Yoga VideosTags shoulder blade, joints, eagle arms, shoulders3