Feeling stuffed from all that stuffing? Before you pop that antacid or curl up in a ball in bed, try...
Archive for year: 2015

Out of All the Different Types of Yoga, Which One is Right for Me?
No two yogis are the same, and no yogi’s practice is the same everyday. This is why in our San...

Buddhi Yoga Teacher Spotlight: Magdalena Patterson
Magdalena Patterson is the teacher of the month at our La Jolla Yoga studio. Magdalena lights up every room she...

La Jolla Yoga Mini Flow | Bound Half Moon to Bird of Paradise
As you guys know, we’re suckers for practicing near the ocean. In this La Jolla Yoga Mini Flow we focused...

Buddhi Yoga Teacher of the Month : Mike Blasi
Mike Blasi is the teacher of the month at our La Jolla yoga studio. If you haven’t been to Mike...

Buddhi Yoga Won Best La Jolla Yoga Studio of 2015
We’re so so grateful to our wonderful Buddhi Yoga family for voting for us in this year’s readers poll in...
Restorative Yoga with Bolster: Relaxing Tips for Better Sleep
Try these simple yoga postures that will help you ease into a good night’s sleep. Using the bolster for passive...

Tips for a Safe and Strong Headstand
Headstand is a popular pose that people are eager to practice. Some of its many benefits are that it relieves...
yogaTip: Dropbacks: Standing to Full Backbend
Get tips on how to drop back from a standing position to full Urdhva Dhanurasana and back. Warm up your...

Artificial Serenity
When people are stressed, most of the time they reach for some type of tranquilizer, or they itch for a...