60 minute vinyasa with Carolina. We know you all love the game of twister – so play it with yourself!...
16OctoberOctober 15, 2023

Third Eye on Fleek
60 minute kundalini with Amanda. This set activates the third eye, or the sixth chakra. Concentrate on your seat of...
9OctoberOctober 5, 2023
25SeptemberSeptember 24, 2023

Full Body Tour
40 minute slow flow with Amanda.
by Amanda McCarrollin Beginner, 40 min, Beginner Flow, Videos, Slow Flow, yoga, Yoga VideosTags slow flow1
18SeptemberSeptember 17, 2023

Patience Young Grasshopper
60 minute vinyasa with Carolina. Practice this class often to master the mind and body through both the physical and...
4SeptemberSeptember 3, 2023

Happy Balance
60 minute vinyasa with Amanda. Flow through a fun and challenging sequence of balancing postures along with some deep twists,...
21AugustAugust 20, 2023

Slow Flow with a Strap
60 minute slow flow with Jon Old-Rowe. Grab a strap or a robe tie for this one (two blocks would...
14AugustAugust 8, 2023
7AugustAugust 1, 2023

Dream Hips
60 minute slow flow with Jen. Get your hips mobile, strong for a dreamy sensation all throughout both the body...
31JulyJuly 19, 2023

Ultimate Stress Melter
40 minute vinyasa with Amanda. Enjoy this series of mini flows strung together to connect your breath and movement, improve...