What is Ahimsa? The practice of yoga is broken down to eight parts, or “limbs.” The physical aspect of the...
Archive for tag: yamas

yogaPhilosophy: The Gunas
Yoga describes three forces at play in the universe as the gunas, or guna. They are represented in nature and...

How Contentment Will Improve Your Quality of Life
We live in a world where we are constantly chasing everything bigger, better and faster. Our mantra has become gimme...

How Can I Practice Clean Energy?
We seem to hear and read a lot about clean erergy and here’s what we’ve found helps generate more of...

Jealousy : Fear in Disguise
jeal·ous·y /ˈjeləsē/ : Feeling resentment against someone because of that person’s success or advantages. In yoga, the yamas and...

Michael DeFrancisco Meditation
We here at yourBuddhi have been practicing meditation consistently with Michael for the last two years and it has completely...

How Long Until I Get Good At Yoga?
Not too long ago one of my students asked me how long it would take for him to get “good”...

The Skull Beneath Us
The Meaning of Skulls & Skull-Shining Breath I’m not really sure when my fascination with skulls began but it’s becoming...

SANSKRIT for HEAT AKA: Self-discipline, austerity, asceticism TAPAS is a NIYAMA. Niyamas are attitudes and practices that help us evolve...

Dig this Niyama :: SANTOSA
Babies have an easy time experiencing SANTOSA Before the Updogs and Downdogs…underneath all of the Chatturangas and Urdhva Dhanurasanas, dwells...