60 minute prenatal yoga with Magdalena. Enjoy this online prenatal yoga class that will leave you feeling relaxed, open, and...
Prenatal Yoga Classes
Prenatal yoga classes are comprised of postures, pranayama and meditation techniques to accommodate a pregnant woman throughout the different stages of her pregnancy. Women go through a wide range of mental, emotional and physical changes during pregnancy. Our prenatal yoga at home help soon-to-be moms handle these ebbs and flows with grace and confidence.
Women that have never done yoga before, are high-risk or have a more sedentary lifestyle should only take yoga for pregnancy classes and not regular classes. They should also have permission from their doctor for prenatal yoga for third trimester. Women who are low risk, active or have previous yoga experience may feel comfortable taking classes such as slow flow and beginner flow. It is safe to take buddhi flow and vinyasa if the student has already been practicing these more vigorous styles of yoga before their pregnancy.

pregnancy yoga classes or prenatal yoga classes for third trimester
Yoga For Pregnancy Teaches the Power of the Breath
Perhaps the most powerful tool of a prenatal yoga practice is developing a connection to the breath. Staying calm throughout pregnancy, labor and delivery makes everything flow with more ease and the natural processes, such as cervical dilation and hormone release, occur with greater success. Pregnancy can be stressful and uncomfortable. Simple breathing exercises can help to ease women through these times. Labor and contractions are physically demanding. Breathing steadily and slowly helps to reduce pain and induce calm through perhaps the most intense situation a woman will experience in her lifetime. Throughout pregnancy, connecting with the breath helps to build concentration, focus the mind and connect more fully to the baby.
Helpful tips for pregnant women in yoga classes:
- If available, grab a bolster, blanket, two blocks and a strap
- Modify twists by opening in the opposite direction
- Place hands on blocks for lunges and other postures when it’s difficult to reach the floor

Postnatal Yoga
20 minute beginner class with Magdalena. If you’re a new mom and you are ready to start moving your body,...

Yoga for Postpartum Recovery
20 minute beginner class with Magdalena. This short sequence can be done immediately after birth during your 6-8 week postpartum...

Prenatal Yoga with Magdalena
60 minute prenatal with Magdalena. Relax, release tension and connect with your growing baby and changing body. Enjoy this gentle...
Third Trimester : Hips & Pelvic Floor
20 minute prenatal yoga with Amanda. In the third trimester of pregnancy, movement is limited but your yoga practice is...
Third Trimester : Stretch & Strengthen
20 minute prenatal yoga with Amanda. In the third trimester of pregnancy, it is important to safely stretch and strengthen...
2nd Trimester : Strong Flow
20 minute prenatal yoga class with Amanda. This class is perfect for those who would like maintain a strong yoga...
2nd Trimester : Moderate Flow
20 minute prenatal yoga with Amanda. Try this intermediate flow class designed to give you a gentle workout and deep...
2nd Trimester : Gentle Flow
20 minute prenatal yoga with Amanda. In your second trimester, you no longer can lay on your belly or spend...