Carolina Vivas @cvivas64
March 19, 2020

Online Yoga Classes Save the Day

online yoga classes

Feeling the madness? We sure are! However, for now we have to remember to stay calm and centered; Nothing good ever comes from anxiety and fear. Most of us are choosing to stay home and we’re feeling so grateful that to have our online yoga classes during these unpredictable times. YourBuddhi and FlowLIFT online has everything you need to continue doing the things you love.

First things first, are you ready for the kids to be home indefinitely? Our schedules will certainly be a little wacky, but the good news is that we’ll be having some nice quality family time. Balancing our sanity, on the other hand, will take a few tweaks that make a world of difference.

Doing Yoga In a Quiet Peaceful Sanctuary Is Not the Only Way To Do Yoga

People in New Dehli and NYC do yoga, and those two are not the quietest cities on earth. Start seeing the wonderful sounds of a full nest as the concerto for your practice. Of course you can still try to drown out the kid ruckus with your own spa playlsit, but be ready for interruptions, curious family members and anything else that comes up. Here’s your chance for practicing drishti (focal point) and dharana (concentration).

Online yoga

How To Get Your Home Yoga Practice Off To a Great Start

Set your kids up with an activity and let them know that mommy/daddy will be doing a little yoga sesh in the other room with our online yoga classes. Roll out your mat, have a towel ready and choose the type of class that suits your mood best. If you’re feeling sluggish, a vinyasa class can surge your body and mind with newfound energy, while a slow flow or kundalini session mellows you out when you’re feeling agitated. Allow your kids to come into the room if they’re curious. Sometimes they just want to see what you’re doing, and if you’re lucky, they’ll want to join in. Family yoga time is the best! See if you can get through an entire class and don’t skip savasana (final relaxation). It’s an important part of class that will prepare you the rest of your day.

online yoga classes

Staying Home With The Kids Doesn’t Mean You Have To Stop Working Out

We’ve got something for that problem too. Back in 2016 we created a workout called FlowLIFT Fitness. It’s a vinyasa-inspired class with light ankle and hand weights and it will kick your booty like never before. In fact, when we finally nailed down the format of the class, we realized that it was all we needed to meet every single one of our fitness goals. You’ll get cardio, strength training, and moves that challenge your brain all rolled up into one 45-minute class. The workout has continuous, low-impact movements done at high reps to help you lean out and tone up in just a matter of weeks. Since the complex moves require full, complete presence you’ll also be sharpening your mind and shedding stress.

Online Yoga Classes Are the Next Best Thing To Being In the Studio

If we keep doing the things that help us release stress and stay centered, we can get trough anything. Stay positive, cherish your family time, and keep working out and doing yoga with us from the comfort of your home. We’ll see you online! Your first two weeks are free…choose from any of the membership options below.

DUAL MEMBERSHIP $24/month (both yourBuddhi yoga & FlowLIFT workout)
FLOWLIFT ONLY $18/month | 6 monthly classes with a new one added every monday
YOURBUDDHI ONLY $18/month | 250+ on-demand classes for all levels

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