75 minute kundalini with Sheel. When baseball scouts are evaluating players, they look at what is quantifiable. There are the...
Archive for: Sheel
Obey, Serve LOVE, Excel
75 minute kundalini with Sheel. There is a teaching among the yogic scriptures that one’s Destiny is written on their...
Becoming a Sensory Human
75 minute kundalini with Sheel. According to kundalini, the brain has seven layers of neurons and 14 related sub levels...
“Uh-Oh” Guru to Wahe Guru
75 minute kundalini with Sheel. “Uh-Oh” Guru to Wahe Guru Sometimes when we go deep in a meditation or hold...
God Lives in the Spine
“The spine and the brain are the altars of God. That’s where the electricity of God flows down into the...
Getting Out of Your Own Way
75 minute kundalini with Sheel. Energies that oppress our Spirit Rising can be tangible or subtle. Perhaps it’s actual people...
Ascension Symptoms
75 minute kundalini with Sheel. Note: The sound kicks in at 4:30…before the class begins. The microcosm of our reality...

Spring Equinox Kundalini
75 minute kundalini with Sheel. The Spring Equinox coincides with a Supermoon in Libra this year. Libra is the sign...

God Shaped Hole
75 minute Kundalini with Sheel. “The fickle mind cannot comprehend the Divine frontiers.” Guru Nanak There is a restlessness that...

The Sun is My Home
75 minute Kundalini with Sheel. There is a myth that the Greek God Helios and Goddess Vesta sit in the...