myles golden
July 18, 2012
Chia Pudding

Chia Pudding

We are in love with this simple, delicious and highly nutritious snackie/dessert.  Chia seeds have numerous health benefitsand when mixed with coconut milk, honey, and vanilla it leaves you feelling energized and surprisingly full.  This is a great summer snack that both kids and adults love!  Tell us what you think on our Facebook page. 


(serves 4)

1 can lite coconut milk

5 tbs chia seeds

3 tbs honey

1 vanilla bean


Melt the honey and vanilla (the inside of the vanilla bean or vanilla extract) in the milk until smooth.  Add the chia seeds, stir together and let it settle for 10 minutes.  Chia seeds expand in liquid…stir again and store in the refrigerator.  Play with your toppings : berries, cacao nibs, borage flowers and coconut flakes are a few of our favs!


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